RVAgreen 2050 Framework

Climate Equity Action Plan 2030


All Richmonders, regardless of their identity or neighborhood, thrive in a climate-resilience and climate neutral community.


Climate Action: Achieve a 45% reduction in greenhouse gas emissions by 2030 from the 2008 baseline; achieve net zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2050.

Climate Resilience: Prepare for, adapt, and improve Richmond’s resilience to the local impacts of climate change.

Climate Equity: Address climate change in a way that is inclusive of and prioritizes those who are being impacted first and worst by climate change. Lower income populations and communities of color are more likely to live in areas with potential for greater impacts.

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Climate Action

RVAgreen 2050 identified strategies aimed at the reduction of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions that contribute to climate change. These actions focus on slowing and reducing the magnitude of changes in the climate.

Climate Resilience

RVAgreen 2050 strategies are also geared towards climate resilience actions that aim to reduce Richmond’s vulnerability to the impacts of climate change. The data indicates that Richmond will face hotter temperatures, extended heat waves, and more extreme rain events.

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Climate Equity

RVAgreen 2050 is centered on equity to address impacts of climate change in Richmond’s most vulnerable communities. Those that live in poverty have fewer resources and receive less support, which reduces their ability to prevent, cope with, and adapt to climate change impacts.

Due to historic and institutional racism, people of color are more likely to live in neighborhoods that are more susceptible to the impacts of climate change, like extreme heat and flooding.


Equity Screening Tool

Through the RVAgreen 2050 planning process, stakeholders created an Equity Screening Tool designed to assist decision-makers the extent to which plan action items prioritize equity.

Climate Equity Index

RVAgreen 2050 led to the creation of the Climate Equity Index, a vulnerability assessment of social indicators, the built environment, and natural resources, used to identify and engage Richmond’s frontline communities.