Advanced Green Economy

What does this outcome look like in Richmond? More green jobs, employers encouraging sustainability practices, more businesses participating in green initiatives, increased climate-related job training and apprenticeship programs, and less unemployment.

How will this outcome be measured?

Three Richmond Parks & Recreation employees are standing in a forest. They are wearing orange personal protective equipment and smiling. An electric-powered chainsaw is sitting on a stump in the foreground.
  • Indicator: The number (#), percent (%), and average wages ($) of green jobs created in Richmond.

  • Equity Indicator: The number of residents completing training, education, and apprenticeship programs related to climate action and resilience by race and ethnicity.

What is a “Green Job”?

The Bureau of Labor Statistics defines green jobs as either:

  1. Jobs in businesses that produce goods or provide services that benefit the environment or conserve natural resources.

  2. Jobs in which workers' duties involve making their establishment's production processes more environmentally friendly or use fewer natural resources.

Relevant Pathways and Strategies:

Community - C-1

Outcomes & Indicators

Use the buttons below to navigate the Outcomes and learn about their associated Indicators.